Innovative custom candle box Designs That Stand Out on the Shelf

Innovation in any field is important because it creates differences from others. When it comes to custom candle boxes, you may go for certain innovative designs. Ordinary box designs will not be enough attractive to catch the focus of every individual entering the retail store. Therefore, you need innovative box designs to make your candles prominent on the shelf. The following are some creative and artistic candle box designs.


Custom candle boxes in geometric shapes

Ordinary packaging shapes don’t have enough potential to grab the attention of people. For instance, square, cube, or rectangular luxury candle boxes look common in stores. A good strategy is to find modern and innovative box shapes. Geometric shapes such as pyramidal boxes, prism-shaped, and hexagonal boxes can be standout shapes. Similarly, circular or round boxes look different when present on the shelf. These unusual and creative shapes can catch the attention of people in retail stores. Besides that, you can add certain features in these boxes to add the element of surprise. There can be customized inserts or multiple compartments. These are good features to arrange candles in a stunning manner. Besides geometric shapes, you may think of choosing briefcase boxes or sleeve sliders. These uncommon box shapes make products stand out on the shelf.


Pop-up or foldable custom boxes

Do you want to add more fun to your product packaging and make it more exciting? Don’t ignore pop-up or foldable box designs for your candles. These box designs add an element of surprise to your products and make them more engaging. They transform in some way and make the product opening more fun. For instance, they may either pop up into somewhat different shapes or fold into a compact box shape. In some cases, the box opens and certain elements such as inserts, layers, or others spring into shape. This mechanism reveals the packaged product in a more entertaining manner. In this way, their opening mechanism enhances the product buying experience and makes it memorable.


Nested custom candle boxes

If innovation is the main goal of your product packaging, go for nested boxes. This is a great trick to add a surprise element to your product opening. It reveals candles layer by layer. It can make the product look premium and classy. However, you can also make it more entertaining by printing inside the boxes. There can be some message by the brand on each layer for the buyer. The size of the layers and inserts is according to the kind of candle. Their printing can also be according to the occasion or target buyers. They can come in elegant and sparkling colors to entice more people.


Boxes with window cutouts

Do you want people to be intrigued by showcasing a small part of your candles? This is a great marketing tactic and it leads to better sales. For this purpose, you may go for custom-printed cardboard packaging with die-cut windows. These windows don’t allow people to see the whole product. Instead, people will only be able to see a small part of the candle. As a result, it increases the interest of people in buying the product. Besides that, window cutouts increase the visual charm of the box. You may also be more creative and go for stylish window cutouts. Heart-shaped windowpane or any other shape can enhance the appeal of candle boxes. As a result, it will make the packaging look more innovative and distinctive.


Interactive box designs

Interactive packaging is vital in keeping your brand in the good books of buyers. It will ensure customers have a memorable buying and product opening experience. What can you do to make your custom-printed cardboard packaging interactive? This is not a big deal as you can simply go for scented packaging. Incorporate scratch-and-sniff elements into this packaging or go for a box with scent-infused wrapping paper for candles. This will allow buyers to experience the scent of candles even before opening the package. Another trick to make candle boxes innovative is the addition of QR codes on them. These codes may lead to a virtual experience such as there can be a video about the candle-making process. In this way, these boxes can engage tech-savvy buyers and add value to your candles.


In conclusion, there is no boundary for innovation and you may go for anything according to your thoughts. However, you can’t exceed your budget and the selling potential of your products. We have explained some of the innovative designs of custom candle boxes. Some high-end brands have used some of these designs whereas some of these box designs can be tried for a better response from buyers.

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